About Us

WINGS of Hope was founded in 2007 and is a registered harm prevention charity. It aims to help those bereaved by suicide by reducing isolation and preventing harm. We are a Postvention organisation (being resources and supports provided following a suicide death) and we do this through providing a unique education resource for children and families bereaved by suicide. Additionally we organise support events to enable adults with a shared or similar experience to network, and so reduce isolation. Our Committee is comprised of volunteers who are passionate about making support accessible to Australians bereaved by suicide.

The original committee members of WINGS of Hope met by attending a support group delivered by Dr Diana Sands, made possible by funding from the Salvation Army. Thank you to our incredibly brave founders: Leigh White, Lesley Thompson, Maria Arena, Wendy McWilliam, Karen Lee Johansen and Cindy Mills for establishing this grassroots network to support those bereaved by suicide like yourselves. Over the years the WINGS of Hope Committee has been comprised of many volunteers who are passionate about making support accessible to Australians bereaved by suicide.

WINGS of Hope stands for We Inspire New Growth After Suicide Loss and the Association represents a constant reminder of the positive force which came out of the group support received after personal loss of a loved one by suicide.

Remembrance gathering 2015The name was created in one of our management committee’s early meetings in 2008.

The organisation name is very meaningful and highly symbolic of our journey since losing our loved ones and something will still strive to convey after nearly 13 years.


For more information or to contact us